Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer with UC Davis: Join the Parent Council or become an Ambassador

Aggie Parent and Family Council

The UC Davis Parent and Family Council is a group of parent and family member volunteers who are committed to improving the quality of the university experience for the entire UC Davis community. Leadership provided by the council is essential to the successful implementation of programs designed to keep parents and families informed about UC Davis. 

Council members serve two-year terms and must be a member of the Aggie Parent and Family Association.  

Council members contribute by engaging with the university in numerous ways such as:

  • Facilitate communication and representing the interests of Aggie parents by sharing their opinions, concerns and feedback with university representatives. Increase parent engagement at university-sponsored campus and regional events.
  • Discuss issues impacting the student experience at UC Davis and make unified recommendations as needed to Parent and Family Programs.
  • Attend at least two meetings per academic year, one in conjunction with Parent & Family Weekend (fall quarter) and one in conjunction with Picnic Day (spring quarter).
  • Promote the mission and activities of UC Davis among personal and professional contacts and networks.
  • Participate in volunteer opportunities and serve as UC Davis ambassadors throughout the year, including at Orientations and UC Davis New Family Welcome events, Move-In Day, Parent and Family Weekend, Picnic Day and other regional events.
  • Welcome new parents in your geographic area.
  • Assist with regional parent receptions and admitted student events.
  • Assist and advise the university in strategies to engage parents in important volunteer roles.
  • Council members are strongly encouraged, but not required, to make an annual gift to UC Davis.
  • Council members are asked to encourage other parents to volunteer.
  • Serve a two-year term of service, with the option of a second two-year term (although your term ends when your student graduates regardless of time served).

Applications are now being accepted for the Aggie Parent and Family Council! We accept applications year-round.  Applications received by March 1, 2025 will be considered for the 2025-2026. Applications received after this date will be considered for the next academic year. If interested please complete the Parent Council Application. 

UC Davis Parent Ambassadors

UC Davis Parent Ambassadors is a unique group of committed and community-minded Aggie Parent and Family Association members who volunteer their time to the UC Davis community.

Volunteering allows parents and family members to learn more about UC Davis and connect with other members of the Aggie Family. We welcome your participation at the level of volunteerism that works for you and your schedule — whether it is helping at one event per year or leading numerous on or off-campus projects.

To be a UC Davis Parent Ambassador, you must be a member of the Aggie Parent and Family Association.  

Not a member? Join online

Already a member? Complete the Parent Ambassador Form

For additional volunteer opportunities, complete the Volunteer Interest Form


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